RX-98 Custom multi-hole punch, cutting and slitting
The RX-98 series are special-purpose pneumatic & configurable thermal press and multi-hole punch which can be used to melt holes, slots, shaped holes, cut webbing, or may be fitted with most any thermal tooling suitable for use on a vertical press. ALL MODELS of the RX-98 are custom-built to your specifications.
Download RX-98 Hot multi-hole Punch brochure.
Several model examples are shown below or download our full catalog.
MATERIALS NOTICE: Most of these machines use thermal tooling made of brass alloy and cannot be used with materials that contain any halogen based compounds such as PVC or neoprene. Please contact us for alternate tooling options.
Multi-hole punch only up to 8" (200mm) long. Hole size, spacing and alignments made to customer specifications.


Multi-hole punch only up to 10" (254mm) long. Hole size, spacing and alignments
made to customer specifications.

RX-98-PCM (shown at left)

Multi-hole punch and cut up to 8" (200mm) long. Hole size, spacing and alignments made to customer specifications.

Thermally punching 4 x 3/16" holes and cutting to length using a fixed guides in 2" wide nylon seat belt webbing.

Thermally punching 3 x 1" fastener slits along the top of a heavy fabric panel. Adjustable slit locations and cut-off valves to punch just 1 or 2 slits.

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